Thursday, September 22, 2011

Career Fair and Panamanians

On the same day to boot! But like Ted from How I Met Your Mother I'm jumping ahead of myself. (Side note: TV’s back! Well, it never really left; it just got really boring there for the summer.)

On Monday, we had our poster presentation/networking event. I talked to a few employers and a lot of Leadership Walton students. Specifically, stressed out freshmen students who were trying to figure out what to do with their lives. My response: “Chill, you’ve got nothing but time,” then I would pause dramatically and say, “The dude abides.”[1]  

I also had an Advisory Board meeting, which is a group of MBA students who get together with our administration and go over ideas, problems and positives. The gist of this meeting: the lockers were a great addition and we’re not getting a soda fountain to replace the worthless pop machines. Turns out, the administration doubts we’d be good about paying on an honor system…that’s probably a correct assumption. We are poor grad students, after all.

Tuesday was career fair day. I followed up on some of the contacts I made at the networking event and learned about good opportunities  and you will all be the first know if anything comes of them. But, by far, the coolest thing I did on Tuesday was hang out with a group of Panamanian undergraduates here to visit our logistics department. Some other GWIB (Graduate Women in Business) members and I had dinner with them and some of our logistics professors and then we fed them popcorn and ice cream and showed them The Social Network. They got pretty excited about seeing the movie and, honestly, I never really get tired of that movie either. But then again I love anything written by Aaron Sorkin: The American President; Sports Night; The West Wing; Charlie Wilson’s War. Okay, so I never really liked Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, but Sports Night more than offsets that show. Also, the children’s choir singing “Creep”; it’s the little things. Anyway, the students were great to talk to and they asked a bunch of questions about everything. They even put up with my rusty Spanish.

So the rest of the week has been a bit dull. Just classes, homework, GA work and group meetings. The semester is really starting to roll.  Now it just needs to learn how to rock.[2]

[1] Actually, I never said that last part. I assumed they were all too young /business-y to get a Big Lebowski reference.
[2] I know it’s bad but I just couldn’t resist it.