Sunday, March 11, 2012

The One in Which I Realize I'm Almost Done

               Well that was a packed week. At least it wasn’t one hour shorter.[1] I had a couple of assignments, work, a new class and a midterm. Let’s start with the new class, Project Management. I’m taking it through the global campus out in Rogers and it’s team-taught by 3 guys with a lot of project management experience, so it should be a good class. (The problem: it’s a three hour class on Tuesday, after I’ve been at class and work all day already and the room is cold.) The assignments weren’t bad but they didn’t leave me a lot of time to study for my test on Thursday.[2] Yep, I had a mid-term in Strategic Management and I either got a B or an F. I—and the rest  of the class—ran out of time  on the essay section, so I’m fairly certain I didn’t  get an  A. As horrible as that test was—and it was—the upside was the fact that it’s a mid-term, meaning I’m almost done with my last semester. Spring Break is next week and then it’s just a short six weeks to finals and seven to graduation. Except, I don’t have a job yet. But!  I’ve got an interview this week or next week (we haven’t finalized the day), so there’s at least a little progress. I’m really hoping I get this one because it’s a great organization to work for and there are plenty of opportunities from this position. I’ll tell you all about it when I find out the result. Until then, cross your fingers.
               This week, the week before a glorious spring break, doesn’t look to be any less packed.  No tests, but a group assignment and a couple individual assignments. The work for my grant writing class is really to increase in difficulty and importance[3] and I have to spend a lot of timing researching and writing for it. (However, because I love these things and the nonprofit I’m writing for—Life Styles—it’s pretty enjoyable.) Still, I put a lot of pressure on myself to be successful because I really want Life Styles to get a grant to do the work they need to do. I also have a professional development class on Project Management through Mitchell Communications’ Training Center—they do a lot of work the MBA program—and, most importantly, a haircut! It’s been three months and I have to wash and dry at night then sleep on it and then flat iron it to keep it from being an overly fluffy, shapeless mop.[4] I won’t even talk about my caterpillars eyebrows.
               Alright, until next week. Be good and have fun. Here's a little something to get you through the week:

[1] Thanks, Daylight Savings Time. Though I shouldn't complain too much I did get an extra day this year.
[2] I can also thank night classes on Monday and Tuesday for that.
[3] I mean that we’re starting to write the grant for real, real now.
[4] I always identified with Hermione Granger on the hair front.  

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