Thursday, October 13, 2011

class and boringness

               I don’t really know what to write about this week.  I mean stuff happened, but mainly stuff like class, meeting, homework and class.  I left the house without brushing my teeth one day. (No sleep will do that to you…thank god for wisps!) I lost my car in the parking deck and walked around in heels for 15 minutes looking for it.  And I ran out of clean bowls and spoons.
               But! It is Fall Break and so I at least don’t have homework for Monday or Tuesday. But! This means that I’ll spend my weekend playing catch-up.  As much as I’ll ever be able to catch up.
               Excuse me; I’ve been a bit cranky all week. (Ask people how much of a joy I was in ethics this week.) This break is much needed.
               To be more positive, I’m going to the National Association of Seed and Venture Funds Conference in Arlington on Monday. It should be a great networking and educational opportunity.
               I get to see some of my family this weekend and I am picking up a beautiful mid-century modern bedroom set from some family so that I can restore it. I should mention that this summer I stripped 6-7 layers of paint off my kitchen table and repainted it and am working on the chairs.[1] Why? Because I like old things; they have a lot of personality. Also, I like making stuff. At the end of a weekend I can bring people in and say “look at what I did!” I like the concreteness of making or fixing something. It’s something more tangible than most of what I deal with in business where I’m doing research and picking options but the outcomes are always debatable.  I am tempted to complain here that I’m too busy to crochet, which I always want to do when it nears scarf/hat/gloves time of year, but I am resolved to more positive in the rest of this post. Anyway, I have to ban Etsy otherwise I’ll wind up with a stack of yarn that I don’t have time to do anything with.

That’s about all I’ve got for you guys tonight. I realize it’s a bit boring…but, hey, send in questions and maybe that’ll give me something to talk about.

[1] The chairs did not come with the table. I bought them from a local store that repaints old furniture and resells. But I didn’t like what they’d done to the chairs and once I started working on the chairs I realized the store had committed a great injustice and painted over the perfectly good dark wood. (Also, they’re getting recovered over Christmas Break. That pattern is not me.)