Friday, February 24, 2012

Deep(ish) Thoughts

               For my returning readers, sorry I didn’t post last week. I was in the hospital with, hopefully, a freak thing that resulted from some scar tissue from a gallbladder removal almost two years ago.[1] I know, I know. I’m being vague but it was nothing serious and I’d just like to move on now.
               Interestingly enough, I had decided last week that my blog post would be slightly serious and discuss how this semester has been one of change and figuring out where I’m going. I’ve never been good at having a defined plan for myself, even when I’ve had months to think about it, and starting this semester by dropping out of  the entrepreneurship program, losing my internship (and potential job) and the women’s shelter partnership falling apart hasn’t really helped matters. Not that spending a week in a hospital bed helped either. It wasn’t really a contemplative stay; rather, it  was a sleepy-time stay. What I’m saying is that somewhere between classes, work, group projects and sleeping I’m going to have to figure out some things:
                              1) How intense of a job do I want? I like to work hard but do I want a job that consumes my whole day?  Or have to travel a lot?
                              2) Nonprofit or profit?
                              3) How many Reese’s peanut butter eggs are too many? Seriously, I love them and it’s that time of year.
               Anyway, next week’s post should be more interesting because I’m to Chicago on Tuesday and Wednesday to see United Airlines’ headquarter and the Chicago Saatchi & Saatchi X office!

[1] Don’t worry. I won’t bore you with the details, which include a lot of sleeping and Jell-O eating.