Thursday, February 9, 2012

Links and Footnotes

               As I write this I’m finishing the second season of Ugly Betty[1], it’s been a busy week so I’m a bit slow in watching it. (There haven’t even been any Daily Shows on Hulu to distract me.) We have two group projects that have gotten rolling this week and there’s definitely enough work for my fifteen hours at the library. Other highlights from this week:
               1) Never thought I’d say this, ERP simulation is fun. As one of my group members said, “This is like Lemonade stand on crack.”[2]
               2) My roommate distracted me from strategic management by showing me a video about Superman comics. (Warning: Cursing and Sarcasm is involved.)
               3) DinaHowell spoke about her career experience. It was insightful and one of the better speakers we’ve had. (Though, to be honest, anyone who speaks for a less than an hour is a contender for that spot with us.)
               4) I’m getting my stuff together for my big trip to Chicago in a couple of weeks. I’m visiting United Airlines headquarters and the Saatchi & Saatchi office there. Because I’m not a huge pantsuit person but Chicago is cold in February, I got fleece-lined tights to go with my gray suit (that I just bought because black tights and black suit is too funeral-y).
               5) I get to see Tigers Be Still tomorrow at TheatreSquared. As always, it should be good.
               6) I just realized that’s it’s gotten harder to find rolls of SweetTarts. They aren’t in the Wal-Mart or Target checkout aisles and only a few convenience stores have them.  I can find the boxes of them, but that’s too many SweetTarts[3]. It’s cramping my style.
               7) It got cold. Is it spring yet?

[1] I totally love how they’re always referring to it as “the Meade Empire”. I might have to use that in future endeavors.
[2] Lemonade Stand was an early internet game that was pretty much what the name says—a lemonade stand.
[3] Yes, that is possible.